Lake of the Ozarks Shootout & Shootout Offshore 2024

We are now taking reservations for vendor spots for Shootout Offshore May 30th, 31st & June 1st at Camden on the Lake and Shady Gators. Exact locations will be assigned later.

Dates for the event:

Set up for Thursday, 5/30, from 1 pm -5 pm

Open for Business, 8 a.m.– 5 p.m. Friday, 5/31, through Saturday, 6/1.


Camden has a public network; Shady’s doesn’t – Please have your own plan to process transactions.


You will be given one vendor parking pass; vendor parking will be off-site, and you will have a shuttle to the venue. The location is to be given at a later date.

Shootout Offshore Vendor Registration
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Location Perference – Not Guaranteed at this time